Friday, May 30, 2008

4th Thing - Question 2

Ideas about how blogging could be used in libraries:

Blogging would be a good tool to use for book discussion groups. Any age group from Elementary students to adults could participate in discussion blogs. Some groups could be strictly on-line propositions, while others could meet at the library periodically to discuss in person and even use the blogs to further discussions. This could be of particular benefit to home bound users and people who are reluctant to join in group situations.

Library blogging could also be used by teachers for recommending materials, sharing lesson plans and ideas, and even assigning projects that students could participate in from school, home or the library.

Blogging could be used by patrons to make inquiries and suggestions.
This is my first blog posting ever! The assignment is to write about how I feel about the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. I like the idea and the outline set up. It is an organized way to think about the process. I am not generally a very self confident or boastful
person, but I do have to say that I have most of these habits. I have always been a "learner" - taking classes to learn more about interests. In Judasim there is a term - Lishma - meaning learning for learning sake. I think that goes along with the whole idea of being a LLL.

I think the most difficult part for me will be practicing Habit #1 - Setting a GOAL. Most of the time my learning endeavors are the result of curiosity or interest without a clear goal in mind. The Twenty Three Things project has a built in goal AND incentives :-) So that makes it easy, but personnally setting preconcieved goals will the the most challenging part of practicing the 7 1/2 Habits for me.