Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Web 2.0 Library 2.0 - 15th Thing.

What can you say? Technology is the way of the future. Of course libraries must use the technology at hand and keep pace with developments that can provide more services and information to their patrons. It's wonderful that patrons can access the vast sea of resources and that we can help them do that. The printed word is still a beautiful thing and a physical library is still a wonderful place for like minded people to gather in companionable quiet and persue knowledge or entertainment.

Explore Technorati. - 14th Thing.

I thought the videocast was pretty good. It helped me understand what Technorati is all about. Maybe I'm just not enough of a computer addict to really appreciate some of these features. Perhaps if I was involved in some real life research situation - taking a class or a work project - I may use it. For me personally the "Favorites" button on my toolbar works fine. I'm not really in a situation to be on the computer a lot when I'm away from home at this point and I find it a little cumbersome to have to log in to all of these sights. I do try to use the same username and password when I sign up for these things but occasionally there will be one that does like the format etc. It's interesting to be exposed, because I would never have really found some of these things on my own.