Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Explore Technorati. - 14th Thing.

I thought the videocast was pretty good. It helped me understand what Technorati is all about. Maybe I'm just not enough of a computer addict to really appreciate some of these features. Perhaps if I was involved in some real life research situation - taking a class or a work project - I may use it. For me personally the "Favorites" button on my toolbar works fine. I'm not really in a situation to be on the computer a lot when I'm away from home at this point and I find it a little cumbersome to have to log in to all of these sights. I do try to use the same username and password when I sign up for these things but occasionally there will be one that does like the format etc. It's interesting to be exposed, because I would never have really found some of these things on my own.

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