Friday, June 6, 2008

8th & 9th Things - RSS, Bloglines and Feeds

8th Thing. Learn about RSS and create a account.9th Thing. Discover how you can add feeds to your bloglines account.[+]Complete the 23 Things Progress Report: Week 4; RSS & Newsreader

This one made me feel old. It really took me a while to figure out what I was supposed to do, what the purpose of the RSS is and that bloglines is different from my blogpage. I think I have it now and I have actually found some interesting sites and blogs. One of my favorites is presurfer. All kinds of neat and current craziness to look at. I also like having my news sources in one place and now I get that the value is in seeing the most current info instead of sifting through everything. I also learned about - my 15 year old didn't even know about that :-)

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