Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5th, 6th and 7th Things - Flickr

5th Thing. Explore Flickr and learn about this popular image hosting site.

Did it! Very cool.

6th Thing. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites.

I'm feeling inspired :-)

7th Thing. Create a blog post about anything technology related that interests you.[+]Complete the 23 Things Progress Report: Week 3; Flickr

This is it - my technology blog. I have always loved photography - both film and digital. I had an early digital and used to experiment with different programs to create various effects on my photo - colors, textures that sort of thing. Several years ago my husband got me a really good digital but I seem to use it now as just a point and shoot camera. I really enjoyed exploring Flickr and feel inspired to start playing and experimenting with my camera again.

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