Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Web 2.0 Library 2.0 - 15th Thing.

What can you say? Technology is the way of the future. Of course libraries must use the technology at hand and keep pace with developments that can provide more services and information to their patrons. It's wonderful that patrons can access the vast sea of resources and that we can help them do that. The printed word is still a beautiful thing and a physical library is still a wonderful place for like minded people to gather in companionable quiet and persue knowledge or entertainment.

Explore Technorati. - 14th Thing.

I thought the videocast was pretty good. It helped me understand what Technorati is all about. Maybe I'm just not enough of a computer addict to really appreciate some of these features. Perhaps if I was involved in some real life research situation - taking a class or a work project - I may use it. For me personally the "Favorites" button on my toolbar works fine. I'm not really in a situation to be on the computer a lot when I'm away from home at this point and I find it a little cumbersome to have to log in to all of these sights. I do try to use the same username and password when I sign up for these things but occasionally there will be one that does like the format etc. It's interesting to be exposed, because I would never have really found some of these things on my own.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 13th Thing.

Create a blog post about your experience and thoughts about this tool.
Can you see the potential of this tool for research assistance? Or just as an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed from anywhere?

OPTIONAL: If you’re up to the challenge, create a account for yourself and discover how this useful bookmarking tool can replace your traditional browser bookmark list.

I explored on the PBCLS site and created my own account as well. The you tube video explaination was very useful to me in helping me understand the site. As a former teacher I can definetly see how the site could be useful in research - especially for certain groups - like teachers. It creates an easy way of sharing info and research. No more scraps of paper with site names floating around.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WebFeat 12th Thing.

I looked up my home town of Gulf Breeze, FL. It's up in the pan handle across the bay from Pensacola. There were 7 items found. The most interesting was an article about a guy starting an aquaculture business, but the article was from 1995 and there was no followup, so I wonder if he was successful.

My Library - 11th Thing.

11th Thing. Take a look at LibraryThing and catalog some of your favorite books.

Look for Books!

Friday, June 6, 2008

8th & 9th Things - RSS, Bloglines and Feeds

8th Thing. Learn about RSS and create a account.9th Thing. Discover how you can add feeds to your bloglines account.[+]Complete the 23 Things Progress Report: Week 4; RSS & Newsreader

This one made me feel old. It really took me a while to figure out what I was supposed to do, what the purpose of the RSS is and that bloglines is different from my blogpage. I think I have it now and I have actually found some interesting sites and blogs. One of my favorites is presurfer. All kinds of neat and current craziness to look at. I also like having my news sources in one place and now I get that the value is in seeing the most current info instead of sifting through everything. I also learned about - my 15 year old didn't even know about that :-)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

5th, 6th and 7th Things - Flickr

5th Thing. Explore Flickr and learn about this popular image hosting site.

Did it! Very cool.

6th Thing. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites.

I'm feeling inspired :-)

7th Thing. Create a blog post about anything technology related that interests you.[+]Complete the 23 Things Progress Report: Week 3; Flickr

This is it - my technology blog. I have always loved photography - both film and digital. I had an early digital and used to experiment with different programs to create various effects on my photo - colors, textures that sort of thing. Several years ago my husband got me a really good digital but I seem to use it now as just a point and shoot camera. I really enjoyed exploring Flickr and feel inspired to start playing and experimenting with my camera again.

Friday, May 30, 2008

4th Thing - Question 2

Ideas about how blogging could be used in libraries:

Blogging would be a good tool to use for book discussion groups. Any age group from Elementary students to adults could participate in discussion blogs. Some groups could be strictly on-line propositions, while others could meet at the library periodically to discuss in person and even use the blogs to further discussions. This could be of particular benefit to home bound users and people who are reluctant to join in group situations.

Library blogging could also be used by teachers for recommending materials, sharing lesson plans and ideas, and even assigning projects that students could participate in from school, home or the library.

Blogging could be used by patrons to make inquiries and suggestions.
This is my first blog posting ever! The assignment is to write about how I feel about the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. I like the idea and the outline set up. It is an organized way to think about the process. I am not generally a very self confident or boastful
person, but I do have to say that I have most of these habits. I have always been a "learner" - taking classes to learn more about interests. In Judasim there is a term - Lishma - meaning learning for learning sake. I think that goes along with the whole idea of being a LLL.

I think the most difficult part for me will be practicing Habit #1 - Setting a GOAL. Most of the time my learning endeavors are the result of curiosity or interest without a clear goal in mind. The Twenty Three Things project has a built in goal AND incentives :-) So that makes it easy, but personnally setting preconcieved goals will the the most challenging part of practicing the 7 1/2 Habits for me.